#gokudera yamamoto
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
How would the vongola guardians prepare an anniversary for y/n? May be dating anniversary or even wedding anniversary, depending on who we are talking about.
This was such a cute request, and I had a lot of fun thinking about it! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons, dear!
Tsuna really does place some importance on anniversaries in a relationship, as the romantic he is. So, celebrating them with his partner really is an important thing for him. First problem is that Tsuna is so, so bad at remembering important dates so chances are, he blanks on the exact date of his and his partner’s anniversary. He does do his best to remember and to take steps to help himself remember, like putting it on the calendar, but, as bad as it sounds, he will kind of rely on others to help him remember his anniversary with his partner is coming, like having Reborn or one of his family members remind him. Worst comes to worst, he’s hoping his partner leaves him hints that the anniversary is coming up.
Second problem?? Tsuna has a really hard time coming up with even date plans that don’t seem boring or dumb to him. Leaving it entirely to him to plan the anniversary? It’s not going to work out well, honestly, and it’s just going to massively stress him out. Given that his partner has likely been with Tsuna for long enough, they really should realize this, and it will be in both of their best interest if the plans for the anniversary are discussed between them instead of his partner just leaving it up to him to surprise them with some sort of celebration. If they have ideas of what they’d like to do, he really wants them to tell him or at least give him strong hints.
Now, as much as he does firmly plan on celebrating his anniversary with his partner, the fact of the matter is that Tsuna is still the tenth generation Head of the Vongola family and he does have a lot on his plate with the family and there’s no absolute guarantee that, as hard as he tries, something won’t come up at the last minute that absolutely cannot be put off, like an attack on his own family or the Vongola family in general that Tsuna has to take care of. He will genuinely apologize and sincerely mean every word if he’s late or can’t make their anniversary and he’ll try everything he can to make it up to them, but he also lets them know that he’ll understand if they no longer want to be with him, knowing that things like that will happen again.
Straight out, Gokudera doesn’t really get anniversaries. They just aren’t important to him. And it’s got nothing at all to do with his partner’s importance to him. Like, it absolutely isn’t that at all because even with arguably the most important person in his life, Tsuna, Gokudera couldn’t tell you the exact date that he met Tsuna. To him, anniversaries and such don’t really matter because what does matter is that he’s in these people’s lives and they’re in his every single day. That, every single day, he’s doing his best to be good to them and doing his best to make their lives easier and vice versa. He sees no reason for a great big celebration of love on just one day. To him, it’s a little stupid to make such a big deal out of one lousy day.
If it’s incredibly important to his partner that they celebrate their anniversary with him, then Gokudera will do his best to show up and celebrate with them, but he’s not really putting a lot of effort into planning anything, other than getting them a gift. It’s them that this whole anniversary thing is important to, and he really will mostly expect them to plan out the anniversary celebration they want.
I do think Yamamoto does kind of get the appeal and meaning behind celebrating anniversaries with your romantic partner and he’s pretty good at remembering the date. He’s kind of chill about the whole thing though and would be the one to just straight up bring up their upcoming anniversary to his partner, being all ‘so, our anniversary is a week away, did you want to do anything special for it or is there anything you’re hoping for for the anniversary?’ He’s not going to just wing it and assume he can read his partner’s mind or that what he wants will be exactly what they want, so he wants them to have an equal input into any celebrations. He’ll be pretty open about any plans or ideas he has, and he’ll want to kind of come to a compromise or an agreement that makes both of them happy for anniversary plans.
He will put thought into what gift he gets them for their anniversary. If he’s not sure what to get them or is unsure if what he’s thinking is the right thing, he might get other people’s opinions, and if he still isn’t sure, he goes to the old surefire fallback – he asks his father what he thinks and asks the old man to go shopping with him for the gift because there is nobody’s opinion that Yamamoto trusts more than his father’s opinion.
Yamamoto would prefer for anniversary celebrations to be more on the fun side than the super romantic side and more chill and relaxed than anything over the top.
Now, I’ve said it several times before, but I’ll say it a million times. I really do think Ryohei is very much a romantic in his own way and things like anniversaries?? They really do mean a ton to him, and he cannot handle not celebrating them. Honestly, if his partner would let him, they’d be celebrating multiple anniversaries of any major milestones in their relationship with Ryohei, like the anniversary of when they first got together into a relationship, of their first date, their first kiss, the first ‘I love you’, and of course their wedding anniversary – though honestly, I could see Ryohei being someone who wants their wedding on the exact same day that he first got into a relationship with the person he goes on to marry, just for the sheer corny romanticness of it…that, and he’s bad at remembering dates and his calendar is crowded enough so it simply streamlines things a bit.
For the anniversary of their first date, Ryohei goes simple for him and simply recreates their first date all over again. Whatever they did on their first date, they’re doing it all again, every year on that day. On the anniversary of their first kiss, Ryohei makes it his goal to give them ten times the number of anniversaries passed as many kisses during the day and night. But he definitely would go over the top and way overboard, because Ryohei does everything to the extreme, planning insane celebrations for anniversaries like his one-year (or two-three-four, etc.) anniversary or his wedding anniversary. For wedding anniversaries, he also really pays attention to the old traditions of what each anniversary means (the first-year anniversary being paper, etc.).
Now, that being said, there will be times, given his role as a Vongola Guardian, where Ryohei will likely miss an anniversary, though he tries so incredibly hard not to. If that is the case, he’s calling his partner whenever possible and he’s apologizing so hard and promising them the moon and stars to make up for it. It will really make him feel so bad and really kind of pissed off to have to miss it, so whatever enemies or rivals he might come up against in that scenario are more than a little screwed.
Okay, but to be honest, it’s not that often that Lambo really makes it far enough into a relationship to celebrate either a dating or a wedding anniversary. If his partner doesn’t leave him before the year, because Lambo is a lot to take and handle at times, it’s usually that the fickle cow gets bored of his partner and moves on. Him getting the opportunity to celebrate an anniversary is rare and honestly, it means that his partner is someone he’s fully in love with and really serious about.
Because of this, Lambo is really going to go so over the top when it comes to celebrating their anniversary and it’s going to make so much sense in his mind that he should totally plan out this lavish, gaudy, extreme celebration without ever consulting them about what they might want, as a grand declaration of his love. However, much like when he gives gifts, the celebration is either hampered by his laziness, his lack of cash, or the fact that he’ll gravitate towards celebrations and gifts that he would like, even if he is trying his best to be super romantic for his partner.
Also, there really is a huge chance that he misremembers the date and is either a couple days early or a couple days late. He’ll generally be in the ballpark of the same week, but there’s at least a 85% chance that it’s the wrong date.
Hibari doesn’t really understand why anniversaries are important, much like Gokudera above. He doesn’t really want to celebrate them. It’s enough for him and it should be enough for his partner, in his mind, that he’s in a relationship with them and that he’s in their life and they are in his. Beyond that, he doesn’t much see the point of all the bells and whistles society places on romantic relationships, like the expectation of anniversary celebrations and he’s just not going to celebrate.
It’s kind of hit or miss on whether Mukuro even remembers his anniversary with his partner, and again, it has little to do with his feelings towards his partner and more that Mukuro is insanely busy and always has a million things going on in his head. And sometimes, honestly, some of those million things are a lot more important than remembering to celebrate something he really does think is largely a romantic notion perpetuated by mass consumerism.
If Mukuro does remember and he does have the time to celebrate with his partner, he’s definitely going to try to do so, and he is one of those who would like to plan something and to surprise his partner with an anniversary celebration.  He’s not going to be someone who really buys a lot of gifts or plans a lavish night on the town though.
Mukuro’s ideal celebration with his partner for their anniversary? He loves to travel, and he loves his partner, so is it any surprise that he’d love whisking them away on surprise trips to various locations for their anniversary?
Much like Hibari and Gokudera, Chrome really doesn’t understand the importance of celebrating a single day of the year. To her, there’s so many other things worthy of celebrating in her relationship with her partner than simply the day they became a couple, and that list of worthy things increases every day that she spends with her partner, increases with every new experience they have with each other. She simply doesn’t understand why, when they’re living their lives beside each other and loving each other every day, there’s really no need for a celebration of a single day.
That being said, if anniversaries are something that is important to her partner, Chrome will make an effort to remember the day and to do something small for her partner, getting them a gift and making sure to clear the day entirely to spend with them, if at all possible.
She’d really prefer any anniversary plans to be made by her partner and for them to be really low-key. She really hates large crowds and big to-do’s, especially if any of the attention will be on her and would rather something simple and sweet than anything major being done to celebrate.
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queenharumiura · 3 months ago
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2024 Akira Amano 'The Characters' Exhibition bonus 'Selfie-style' cards.
[ID: Official art of multiple characters from the manga and anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
They're all drawn as if taking a selfie, most of them smiling and/or doing a peace sign or another playful gesture with their hand.
Reborn, Colonnello, Viper and Fon are in their cursed forms, with Viper pulling their hood down, trying to hide more of their face.
Gokudera waves at us, with "Vongola Famiglia" written on his palm and the Vongola's emblem drawn on it too. Lambo is in his Ten Years Later version, Tsuna's shown both in his normal state and in Hyper Dying Will mode, Basil is in Hyper Dying Will mode too and Chrome's wearing cat ears.
Squalo and Xanxus are scowling. /End ID]
ID courtesy of @hopeswriting.
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blowtashino · 3 months ago
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Tsuna and some of his guardians visit Namimori middle in the winter months. Just wanted to make something cute!
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One of Tsuna’s eyes was taking a side quest. fixed I think.
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kux3-san · 5 months ago
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He cares Hayato 😭
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mochidoodle · 1 year ago
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I gave high school Hibari a haircut and now he’s a delinquent heartthrob 💕 🐥 🏫
(We never saw the gang go to high school so I made them brand new uniforms, too)
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chamiryokuroi · 9 months ago
One thing I will never forgive is the KHR Anime giving them these awful futuristic flying bikes to Tsuna and company
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When in the manga they had the way more superior and cooler looking bikes
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The wasted potential of it all 😭
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rinne4112 · 4 months ago
Iconic Duo✨️
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Quote by @incorrectkhrquotes
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what-the-fuck-khr · 10 months ago
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all photos came from listings on Mercari Japan, but here are the main Vongola Tenth’s selfie cards!
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einsatzzz · 4 months ago
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"Having my friends by my side is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.. 🥹"
Posting here my contribution for the KHR Cupsleeve Event: A Flaming Reunion! I got to draw the cupsleeve art that features the Vongola Family for this one 🥰🥰🥰 (1/2)
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dohu · 1 year ago
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kos-tyan · 2 years ago
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
Are the vongola guardians protective of Y/N? How? Do they get a bit posessive from time to time? And what is their reaction when they find out y/n actually likes it when their partner is a bit clingy and posessive (i mwan eho doesnt like to be wanted?)
Okay, this was a great request but super challenging for me to write, so the headcanons aren’t exactly the best and, again, it took forever to get back to you. I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway and thank you, as always, for the request!
I do see Tsuna being protective of his partner. He knows that his association with the Vongola does mean that his partner can be put into some dangerous spots. His lived experiences show him that, with how his friends and loved ones really were put in danger and hurt during the Ring Battles and the Ten Year Later arc especially, just by being associated with him. Because of this, he really does worry a lot about his partner’s safety, but mostly it gets really bad when there is a threat to his family or loved ones because of someone opposing the Vongola or trying to take over, etc. Those are the times it gets really bad and the times when he’ll be most likely to get into fights with his partner, since his form of protectiveness is really to push them away in some ways. He spends less time with them, urges them to stay safe and away from any situations he’s involved in…to really ‘stay in the kitchen’ type of way. Don’t try to stand beside him, just stay put like a good person and let him handle everything and he gets really frustrated if they won’t do that, but it’s anger and frustration borne out of great fear for their safety and what would happen if they got hurt or, even worse, if he lost them.
However, I do not see Tsuna being possessive in any way, shape, or form. He just doesn’t have a possessive bone in his body. He feels lucky to have his partner and there are still times, no matter how long he’s been with them, where he kind of wants to pinch himself because he can’t believe that someone so wonderful wants to be with him, no-good Tsuna. To have that sort of confidence of being possessive, of claiming his partner as only his and his alone…it’s not Tsuna, it’s not who he is. That’s not to say that he won’t experience jealousy at all but there’s a HUGE difference between feeling jealous every now and then and a partner being possessive.
Honestly, Tsuna would be really confused if his partner wanted him to be clingy and possessive. Are they not happy with him as he is? What’s he doing wrong? Is it that they think he doesn’t care about them? Are they going to leave him??! It will really just stress the poor guy out, because he’s not really sure of what they want or what he’s doing wrong.
Much like Tsuna, I do see Gokudera as being really protective of his partner, because he’s protective of anyone he cares about because he knows, with losing his mother and with knowing he lost Tsuna in the Ten Year Later arc, the pain that comes with losing someone you love. So, he does get fiercely protective of those he trusts and lets into his life fully, ready to defend them to the death if need be, though he does get better and better throughout the years as to not attacking rashly or putting himself into dangerous positions to defend them. Much like Tsuna as well, I do see Gokudera’s brand of protectiveness as being one that banishes his partner to the sidelines, far away from him during a bad situation, safe and sound where he knows they won’t be in nearly as much danger. He’s not fond of having his partner on the battlefield with him, just because his worry for them will cloud his mind, will make him anxious and will make it that much more likely that he’ll slip up and not be able to protect them. Hell, if it wasn’t for the fact that Tsuna is Gokudera’s boss and he can’t really do it, there are time Gokudera would even rather wrap Tsuna in bubble wrap and stick him someplace safe when there’s danger brewing, leaving it to Gokudera to take care of the dangerous situation, just for his own peace of mind.
Now, I do see Gokudera as being really prone to jealousy and I can see him, in his younger years, really being very possessive of his partner. He’ll get jealous and upset at his partner paying attention to any other male, except for Tsuna, Lambo, Fuuta, or Ryohei, and he’ll get possessive, clingy, and will tend to start picking fights with the other male that his partner is talking to. He gets jealous if they spend a lot of time with their friends or family instead of wanting to spend that time with him because, in his mind, it does mean they’re really not that serious about him and that, if they truly loved him, they’d want to dedicate every spare moment they had to being with him, like he feels towards them. He’ll get pissy about it all and give his partner the silent treatment, hoping that they’ll feel guilty and then dedicate their attention to him to ‘make up for it’. But the thing is that that will ruin any relationship quickly and it’s really, really not healthy, something that he will learn as he ages and that he does work on, though he will always have a jealous streak borne out of some self-esteem issues he’ll never fully work on.
Now, if his partner really does want him to be jealous, clingy, and possessive, and actually encourages all that bad behaviour he’ll exhibit?? It leads to a toxic, unhealthy, codependent relationship that will honestly fuck both of them up and will be unsustainable in the long run.
I see Yamamoto as being somewhat protective, but just in a very simple, common-sense way. Like, if his partner is in danger, he’ll protect them. They’re about to cross a road and don’t see a car speeding towards them? He’ll pull them back super quick. Someone wants to beat them up? Yamamoto will step in and try to defuse the situation with jokes and talking things through. Someone’s plain out and out attacking them, probably because they are with Yamamoto, the Rain Guardian for the Vongola? Of course, he’s pushing them behind him, telling them to stay back, and fighting whoever’s attacking them. But other than that, he’s not really all that protective because he really does trust his partner to be smart and stay out of danger.
Yamamoto isn’t at all possessive and he’s really not that prone to jealousy either. Again, it really boils down to the fact that he does trust his partner. He wouldn’t be with them if he didn’t. He trusts them to be loyal to him, even if they’re not right beside him, even if they’re out doing their own thing. And honestly, if his partner does end up wanting to be with someone else instead of him, Yamamoto isn’t the type who would want to make someone stay with him if they didn’t want to be.
Honestly, his partner wanting him to be possessive or clingy would just confuse Yamamoto because he doesn’t see the appeal or the need. He thinks their relationship, and the way they are together, and the trust they have in each other, is all working pretty well, and he honestly thought his partner felt the same way. He’s a little sad that he didn’t realize that his partner wasn’t entirely happy and while he’s definitely not going to start acting possessive of his partner, because he doesn’t want to be that kind of guy, he’s going to talk to his partner and see where that want for him to do so is coming from. Is he not spending enough time with them or giving them enough attention? Do they feel like he doesn’t really care about them and the relationship? Is this some weird kink of theirs and if it is, is it a kink that they can manage to do without, because otherwise, as much as he loves them, it might be better to end the relationship if it’s something they absolutely need, because it’s not something he can do or wants to do.
Ryohei is very protective of any romantic partner he has and really, he’s not going to view any romantic partner he has as being equal to him in strength. Ryohei does have some very ‘toxic masculinity’ traits that way and he does believe that, as the man of the relationship, it’s his duty to protect and take care of his partner, who is supposed to sit back, live their life, and stay out of danger or let him take care of any danger. His brand of protectiveness can honestly come off as a little bit patronizing at times if I’m being completely honest.
I do see Ryohei being possessive. Again, it’s very much the toxic masculinity parts of his personality shining through, in that he believes that once he is dating his partner, they are ‘his’ and his alone and that other people should just instinctively know that. It doesn’t help that he’s so bad at flirting and recognizing flirting himself that he really does assume that any really kind gesture from any male to his partner is them trying to flirt with his partner, so he gets all heated up and starts yelling at the other person or plain out starting fist-fights, and it’s not really something that improves a crap ton as he ages, but more a part of who he is and who he’ll always be. To be fair though, he also considers himself to be his partner’s fully once they start dating, and would take any jealousy they feel very seriously and work hard to make sure he took care of any situations where his partner make have reason to feel jealous…mostly by loudly declaring that he has a partner whenever he thinks someone might be flirting with him.
Honestly, his partner is never going to have to ask him to be clingy or possessive, because again, it’s just something he really naturally is. As long as neither of them takes it to unhealthy levels, where they really make each other the only important thing, forsaking other friends or family ties, I don’t see Ryohei’s possessiveness having that really toxic element to it, though I also don’t think it’s really an incredibly healthy element to the relationship either.
Lambo honestly isn’t all that protective of his partner, especially if he knows they’re pretty strong. Even if he is stronger than them, when danger comes, he’s more than likely going to grab their hand and run away and, if worst comes to worst, he’ll urge them to run ahead of him while he stays back and either leads the enemy away or does have to fight. If his partner is strong…well, there is the chance that Lambo might leave the fight to his partner, because he likes having them protect him.
Lambo can get really childishly possessive; in that he gets very clingy with his partner and really does want their attention all the time. He wants to be the most important person to his partner, and he wants them to be with him all the time, and he can get a little temper tantrum-y, like a child might get, when they start paying attention to other people, or he’ll get really attention seeking and act a fool, just to get their eyes back on him. He’ll get really sulky if they pass up on date days or even just spontaneous hangouts to spend time with friends without him or to take self-care days. However, sulking is the most he does – he doesn’t give the silent treatment and he doesn’t hold grudges about it, but he also doesn’t handle it healthily, though that is something that he becomes better able to do as he ages, with it being something he masters in his late thirties to early forties.
Again, much like Gokudera’s, encouraging Lambo’s brand of possessiveness is going to lead to an unhealthy relationship for both Lambo and his partner, where they’ll make each other the only truly important people in each other’s lives and will become very codependent.
Hibari is protective, though it’s in his own very quiet little way. As I’ve mentioned countless times, but will always repeat, Hibari does fully expect his partner to be able to take care of themselves and to handle shit in their own lives. He doesn’t get into relationships with people who can’t take care of their own selves, because he does view people like that as weak and weakness repulses him. However, he does know that choosing to be in a relationship with him does bring new dangers that his partner might not be equipped to handle, because of Hibari’s reputation and standing in the Vongola bringing enemies who would hurt his partner to hurt Hibari. In these cases, it’s a good thing that Hibari does kind of keep an eye on his partner’s going on’s, even when Hibari himself isn’t around, through a very good network he has in Namimori and through the use of his birds. If danger does threaten his partner that he knows they cannot take care of, he will take care of it for them, either himself or through sending Kusakabe to help them.
I do see Hibari as someone who is possessive in a way. He does believe that, once he does settle into a relationship with someone, as odd as that relationship might be, that they are his and his alone and he will expect their utmost loyalty, both emotionally and physically to him. However, he will never expect them to make him the most important person in their lives and he will want them to have friends, family, and a whole life of their own outside of him. There just has to be that knowledge, both in his mind and in his partner’s mind, that his partner is Hibari’s. However, in a hypocritical turn, Hibari will never consider himself to be his partner’s. He’s always his own and nobody else’s.
Hibari’s reaction to his partner wanting him to be clingy and possessive over them? Simple. They can find another partner. Them wanting that or asking him for that just shows him that they’re not someone who is going to be compatible with Hibari in a relationship and he won’t waste their time or have them waste his any longer.
Mukuro is protective, but you really have to look very hard, and understand how he works, to see it. He’s not overtly protective. There’s no big grand ‘I’ll take care of you’s’ or stepping in to fight his partner’s fights. He’ll happily leave it up to his partner to sort out their own messes or issues, because he’s interested in seeing how they accomplish it, because he knows they can accomplish it. However, if his partner finds themselves needing his help, all they ever need to do is ask…or, if Mukuro does know that his partner cannot handle the situation they’re in, he will step in to help, though he’ll tease them about them owing him one now.
Hot take here, and a controversial one, I know, but I don’t see Mukuro as being possessive so much as just expecting complete loyalty from his partner. It’s not that he considers them his or wants them to be his and only his. I could honestly even see Mukuro as being okay with polyamory, as long as their first loyalty was to him. He wants his partner to almost worship him in some ways, but at the same time, he wants them to have a life, a network of friends and family, goals and ambitions, and things of their own to keep them busy when he doesn’t have time for them. He’s very contradictory in that way, but then Mukuro is a very contradictory person overall.
Honestly, Mukuro would be amused if his partner asked him to be more clingy and possessive over them. He’d find it a little cute and a little funny, and he’d love seeing how things turn out and how they react when he gives them exactly what they ask for…because clingy and possessive, when taken seriously, like Mukuro will, and to the levels of things that Mukuro is capable of?? It’s actually going to become terrifying and mentally damaging for his partner, though they only need to tell him to stop and they take back their request for him to do so.
Chrome hasn’t had many people she wanted to protect or was able to protect, so now that she can both protect her precious people and has those precious people to protect, her partner among them, I do see as someone who is very quietly protective, ready to take on her partner’s problems as her own and work hard to solve them for her partner so that they can take it a bit easier.
That being said, Chrome is the least possessive person. She does consider herself very lucky to have her partner in her life and thanks whatever powers brought them into her life for them every day. However, if her partner left her, she would accept it and probably chalk it up to her not being good enough, rather than blaming her partner for it or feeling like her partner was ‘hers and only hers’.
Chrome really doesn’t get what her partner means when they request that she be clingier and more possessive, but she really doesn’t want them to think she’s dumb, so she won’t really ask them to clarify either. She’s likely to nod and quickly find an excuse to get out of the situation and just try to spend more time with them moving forward.
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splickedylit · 6 months ago
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It's been a very long time... Katekyo Hitman Reborn, genesis of my love of The Guard Dog and specifically The Guard Dog who's in love with their boss. Gokudera has two hands!!! They're both full of dynamite but if Yamamoto and Tsuna hold one each he can't blow people up in a desperate attempt to prove his worth lmao.
EDIT apparently it's Gokudera's birthday which I did not know. This is a WILD coincidence but if anybody asks I did it on purpose.
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gojuo · 1 year ago
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brightsips · 1 year ago
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The official exhibition visual featuring a total of 53 characters drawn by Akira Amano!
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kinbari14 · 2 months ago
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